What in friends’ nature change after marriage?

This is what I observed:

When males get married, the equation between them (most of them) and their male friends, more or less, remain same.

The circumstances (job, earning, etc.) might not allow them to meet up often. Say after 40 when they meet, they interact with the same zest and enthusiasm.

Females rarely have good friendships that are not shadowed with jealously.

When females get married, the equation between them (most of them) and their female friends is, most of the times, marred with competition — who’s got the most handsome and wealthy one.

Also insta takes up space for most females/wives to display how better they are from the rest. Say, after 45 when they meet most of them derive pleasure from the fact that they are wealthy than the rest.

Male friends remain friends for life; Females rarely have good friendships that are not shadowed with jealously. Some female realise their nature and stay private; better than harbouring bad feelings.

I would add though: not all fingers are the same.

Author: manakotte

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